My top five tips for financial advisors dipping their toes in the Twitterverse

Every day more of your clients, prospects, family, and friends get on Twitter. If you’re ready to dip your toe in the Twitterverse, here are the top five tips from my personal experience. 1. Use Twitter Search to check out Twitter before you begin tweeting. Go to and type in your company name or […]

A top marketing blog for financial advisors

The market has slashed your clients’ wealth and your revenues based on assets under management. So gaining new clients is more important than ever. If you’d like to get some fresh ideas about marketing, check out Kristen Luke’s Financial Marketing Wire blog. Are you puzzled by how to leverage social media? Kristen has posts on […]

"Quiz: Are You a Grammar Geek?"

If you’re reading this, you probably care about grammar. So test your grammar knowledge with the quiz in “Are You a Grammar Geek?“ It’s tough.

If you MUST use "secular" in your investment commentary...

If you MUST use "secular" in your investment commentary…

…please follow The Wall Street Journal‘s example. Define secular the first time you use it.  Here’s how Mark Gangloff did it in “TALF and Ilk Won’t Cure Economic Ills” in The Wall Street Journal: “Instead, credit has dried up this time because of the more secular—meaning structural or long-lasting—phenomenon of a debt bubble.” Secular is […]

Harvard Management’s Mendillo grapples with challenging environment

Even Jane Mendillo admits she had awful timing in becoming president and CEO of Harvard Management Company (HMC) on July 1, 2008. As she said in her presentation on “Endowment Management in a Changing World” to the Boston Security Analysts Society on March 25, she assumed her post * Two days before commodity prices peaked […]