At LBJ's Texas White House

No batteries required: My favorite blogging technique

At LBJ's Texas White House

If you’re a blogger, you’ve probably struggled to find time to write. Me too.

Blogging on vacation

My favorite place to blog – and to develop a warehouse of posts – is on an unplugged vacation. In fact, I’m writing this post in black ink on a steno pad. My boxy printing and black ink are supposed to make my drafts easy for my typist to decipher. I use a spiral-bound steno pad, so I don’t lose pages.

Blogging offline

I like the slow speed and lack of distractions that come with blogging offline. When I type up a draft, it’s too easy to tinker with my text as I go. Writing in ink – even though I double-space to allow for essential corrections – limits my edits. This is a plus.

Writing offline helps with my focus. It’s just me, my ideas, my steno pad, and my pen. Tough luck for my tweeps. Any brilliant one-liners will be lost to posterity (or obscurity) as I home in on my blog.

Paper fans

I was surprised to learn that I’m not alone. I found more paper fans when I ran a Facebook poll on “Where’s your favorite place to blog?” I suspect that our numbers will decline as technological changes take hold.

P.S. – This was written on a flight to Atlanta, en route to Austin, Texas.

8 replies
  1. Steve T
    Steve T says:

    Great post, Susan. Sometimes unplugging and working with pen and paper creates a more focused atmosphere. No Twitter, no Facebook, no emails. Just the writer and his or her thoughts.

  2. Brien Shanahan
    Brien Shanahan says:

    Susan, Nice post! I always unplug to jot out my ideas on paper. But when I’m ready to start writing, I go back to the computer. You’re right in that it leads to more editing than writing on paper, but I like that it lets me tweak the work until I’m happy with it.

  3. Beverly Hegmann
    Beverly Hegmann says:

    I often get my best ideas when I’m near neither pen nor computer. My solution? a quick reminder in the Notes function of my iPhone. It could be an idea for an article, a phrase that sings to me, a potential change to a current project, etc.–just enough to remind me of my own brilliance! Ha!

  4. Susan Weiner, CFA
    Susan Weiner, CFA says:


    It’s great that you’ve found a technique that works for you.

    I’m sure you’re not the only one who’ll benefit from using an iPhone in this way.

    Thank you for commenting!

  5. Bill Gaul
    Bill Gaul says:

    The pad and paper are always effective, especially because I often am inspired when I am not near a computer. I try to keep it with me at all times. I have also been in the habit of developing posts over several days, often working on two or more at a time. Similar to reading, it’s important to keep selections handy that fit your mood.

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