"Let Content Determine Podcast Length"

The best podcasts tend to run 5-7 minutes long, according to “Let Content Determine Podcast Length” on MarketingSherpa (paid registration may be required for article access). However, longer podcasts can work if the content is compelling. Another key characteristic:  they focus on one topic.  So, if you’re considering adding podcasts to your menu of investment […]

A CFA favors longevity annuities

Longevity annuities may make sense in the eyes of at least one CFA charterholder. “…individuals can have their cake and eat it too. They can buy longevity insurance for about 5–10 percent of their assets while investing and decumulating the remaining 90–95 percent!” according to a Canadian charterholder’s letter in the July-August issue of CFA […]

Can you help your clients to control their fears?

The Intelligent Investor’s column on “How to Control Your Fears in a Fearsome Market” inspired this blog post. Author Jason Zweig lists four techniques that individuals can use to manage the stress they feel when the market tanks. You might be able to apply some of them in your conversations with clients. For example, consider […]

"Social Media in Plain English"

Why all the fuss about blogs and other social media? The video at “Social Media in Plain English” shows how tapping the wisdom of crowds using social media can benefit a company. It conveys ideas at a “big picture” level. There’s no road map to applying the ideas. It doesn’t even get into the specifics […]

How to boost your website’s rank in Internet searches

Use keywords well and you boost the odds that potential clients will find you in their Internet searches. “Fifteen places you must place your Keyword Phrase and the why behind it” provides some helpful hints. At a minimum, make sure the person putting up your website knows the “behind the scenes” tricks for placing keywords.  […]