Thank you, Boston Women in Finance!
Members of Boston Women in Finance made my experience enjoyable when I presented my one-hour workshop on “How to Write What People Will Read about Investments” yesterday. Here’s some of their feedback on my presentation: “Although brief, packed with very useful takeaways!” “Susan was able to fit in an hour what people spend days learning […]
Use personal stories in your communications
“In a sea of competition, you’ve got to capitalize on what makes you unlike anyone else.” This advice from “Feel Great Naked: Confidence Boosters for Getting Personal” is aimed at bloggers. The author urges them to share personal stories. But it also applies to financial advisors, especially solo practitioners or small firms, when you communicate […]
Morningstar Market Barometer, 2003-2007
Want to show your clients how equity styles and sectors perform differently over time? The newly released 2-page Market Barometer from Morningstar can help.
Does your auto mechanic communicate better than you?
“Nearly three-fourths of the 1,203 adults polled said their auto mechanic uses clearer English than their financial professionals,” according to “Financial Jargon: You Just Don’t Understand” by Cathie Gandel in AARP Bulletin Today. Are you one of those confusing financial pros? And are your clients suffering as a result? Learn more about the results of […]
"Interruption vs. Self-Service Marketing"
I’m following up my post on how financial advisors are using LinkedIn. Raising your visibility by using LinkedIn is an example of “self-service marketing,” which I read about recently in “Interruption vs. Self-Service Marketing” on marketer Bob Bly’s blog. He quotes an article from DM News: ” ‘Self-service marketing is all about putting content where […]